Friday, July 12, 2013

Real things..

My first real post woo! I'm so new to this blogging thing that I forgot to post for 7 months.. whoops!
It's all gravy though, in the words of the beautiful Aubrey Graham "better late than never."

Since it's the middle of summer, everything has been quite chilled out for me but I can't help but to miss the semester which will of course come quicker than ever the way that it normally does.
(literally all i've been doing)

It's also Ramadan (ramathan mabrouk to everyone particpating) and it's hot as the devil's balls outside so I've been spending my time between my air conditioned room to work and back. I'll still have the last few weeks of summer to enjoy before school starts up again and hopefully squeeze in some random fun things to do.

In the mean time, I've been reading like craaaaaaazzzyyy. I haven't read this much since... I can't remember to be honest but I'm going through several books a week and I love it. I'm currently reading A Wizard of EarthSea which was recommended to me by someone. It's so amazing, it was published in the 1960's so it's similar to Harry Potter with more of a fairytale quality to it.

Come to think of it I need to reread all of the Harry Potter books sometime, I'm feeling quite nostalgic lately.

I'll leave you guys with my favorite song from Jay-Z's newest album, my good friend andy, who's also a DJ explained to me how Jay-Z literally got the RIAA to change their rules so he'd go platinum. This man is a genuis

Until next time! xx, M